When advertising on the Google Search Network, your ad can appear above or below search results when a searcher uses queries that match one of your keywords.
Determining how your keywords match those queries goes along way toward the success or failure of your campaign.
Keyword match types help control the queries that trigger your ads.
Google Adwords offers 4 keyword match types: Broad Match, Broad Match Modifier, Phrase Match, and Exact Match.
Broad match
Broad match is the default match type. According to Google, “your ads may show on searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations”. The broad match type will make you work. Make sure you keep an eye on the search query report to make sure only relevant searches are coming through.
Broad match modifier
The broad match modifier is a more controlled version of the default broad match type. Your ads will only trigger when the keywords you specify are searched (in any order). Just add a + (plus sign) to the beginning of each broad keyword.
Phrase match
Phrase match is an even more controlled match type. Phrase match has a fixed order. Your ads will only show if the the keywords match in the exact order in a phrase. Additional words before or after the phrase will still trigger the match.
Exact match
The most controlled match type. Your ads will only trigger if the exact match (or close variation) is searched. Exact match means your keywords in the exact order you specify.